ARTICLE - All Trimester Abortion Facility Opens in College Park, Maryland
How You Can Help
Work with Maryland Right to Life and your local Pregnancy Resource Center
to provide much needed material and emotional support
to empower women to choose life for their children.
Commit to pray personally for the protection of our children and our liberties
at the same time as thousands of people across Maryland at 1:27 pm in the spirit of Psalm 127:3 which states
"Behold children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb is a reward."
Get involved and share the truth about the dangerous "Reproductive Freedom" Amendment with your
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By Authority of Health Not Harm MD, registered ballot issue committee, Anne Fox, Treasurer.
State Lawmakers Admit "Reproductive Freedom" Amendment Would Create New and Broader Rights than Just Abortion
The Maryland General Assembly has passed a bill that seeks to amend the Maryland Constitution and create a state fundamental right to “reproductive freedom”. The state will ask voters to approve the amendment language on the fall 2024 general election ballot. While the term “reproductive freedom” is yet undefined, there is no question that the amendment would be used to create a fundamental right to late-term abortion for any reason and to suppress pro-life speech and action across Maryland.
After nearly fifty years of federal abortion mandates, the Supreme Court decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization (2022) finally returned the power to restrict abortion to the states. But while many states are choosing to move forward with legislative protections for preborn human beings that reflect advances in medical science, the state of Maryland has taken a regressive and even oppressive approach to abortion. Far surpassing former federal abortion precedent, the Democrat majority in the Maryland General Assembly has established a taxpayer funded monopoly of the abortion industry over women’s reproductive health.
Similar bills have been introduced but thwarted by pro-life advocates three times in the previous four legislative sessions, including a 2020 privacy amendment and a 2019 bodily autonomy amendment. Maryland Right to Life (MDRTL) led grassroots coalition efforts to defend the unalienable right to life guaranteed by the Constitution against the three prior legislative attacks.
Despite the Supreme Court’s Dobbs ruling, abortion remains legal in Maryland through all nine months of pregnancy and for any reason, under the Maryland Freedom of Choice Act (1991). According to the Institute for Women’s Policy Research, 81% of women in Maryland have access to an abortion provider in their county. Three practices in the state perform late term abortions of viable babies at the age of 26 weeks or older.
Contrary to the fear mongering often heard from abortion proponents, women in Maryland are not being threatened with prosecution for seeking abortion nor are they being denied medical intervention for miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy. But the state has long forsaken its promise of “safe, legal and rare” abortion, offering women and girls nothing more than unlimited access to abortion. The legislature has gone to such extremes to deregulate the abortion industry that they have removed abortion from the spectrum of healthcare in all ways except funding.
Democrat lawmakers have repealed criminal penalties and statutory restrictions on abortionists and abortion practices. Regulations on abortion clinics and practices are not routinely enforced, including mandatory reporter requirements in suspected cases of rape or sex trafficking. Physicians now serve only a tangential role on paper if at all, either as remote medical directors for abortion clinics or as remote prescribers of abortion drugs.
It is important to note that while the term “reproductive freedom” is not defined in Maryland law, the bill sponsors say it would include new rights broader than abortion rights. Some of these new rights may include commercial uses of human embryos and the use of puberty blocking drugs and surgical mutilation of reproductive anatomy- even among children without their parents' consent.
By Authority of Health Not Harm MD, Registered Ballot Issue Committee, Anne Fox, Treasurer.