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Enter One (or More!) of Maryland Right to Life's 2019 Pro-Life Contests!
Pro-life Essay Contest:
Essays should address this question: "Why am I pro-life?" and should be submitted electronically to no later than December 14, 2019. Word documents or PDFs (attached to an email) are required.
Essays will be judged on originality, content, and accuracy and should be 300-500 words in length. Essays must be typed and in font no smaller than 12-point. Use a cover sheet that includes the student-contestant's full name, full mailing address, phone number, grade level, date of birth, name(s) of parent(s), name of school, and word count. Cite any and all sources used. Please do not include artwork or pictures.
By submitting an entry, the student-contestant and parent(s) agree:
A: to allow Maryland Right to Life and National Right to Life to reprint the essay, and
B: that the essay is original and not copyrighted.
There will be two categories: Grades 7 – 9 and Grades 10 – 12.
In each above category, first prize is $200, second prize is $100, and third prize is $50.
The first place essay from both categories in the MDRTL contest will be forwarded to the National Right to Life contest. In late January, 2019, NRLC will judge essays from both categories submitted by students from around the nation. Ranking by MDRTL judges is independent of ranking by NRLC judges. NRLC prize values may differ from MDRTL’s.
Contact Bob Brown at for more information.
Pro-life Oratory Contest:
Contestants are to research, write, and present an original pro-life speech on abortion, infanticide, euthanasia, or stem cell research. The speech should address one of these topics directly. The Oratory Contest is open to all high school juniors and seniors (as of 2/1/20).
The first place winner in the MDRTL Oratory Contest will have the opportunity to compete at the national competition. The winner and one parent will receive free conference registrations, coach airfare, and a hotel room at the National Right to Life Convention TBD. Reimbursement restrictions apply.
Second prize is $100, and third prize is $50.
Email to get an entry form. Submit form and speech by April 21, 2020.
Pro-life Video Contest:
Contestants should create a video at least 30 seconds in length but no longer than 3 minutes in length. Videos should promote respect for life from conception until natural death. Participants are encouraged to make their submissions creative and entertaining, whether they are serious or funny. The Video Contest is open to everyone ages 15 – 25 (as of 2/1/20).
Videos must focus exclusively on abortion, euthanasia, or infanticide. Submissions that do not adhere to this requirement may be disqualified.
First prize is $200, second prize is $100, and third prize is $50.
Additionally, the first place winner’s video in the MDRTL Video Contest will be forwarded to the National Right to Life Video Contest. MDRTL’s scoring rubric may be different from NRLC’s.
Email to request an entry form. Submit form by May 19, 2020.