There are several ways citizens can help make a positive difference in the state of Maryland regarding pro-life issues.
1. Contact Your Legislators
State and national legislators can be urged by concerned citizens to support life-protecting legislation: personal visits, telephone calls, letter writing and rapid communication are all effective means when urging your elected representatives to support or oppose specific pieces of legislation. You can learn more about how to contact your Maryland legislators here. Maryland Right to Life has created a TAKE ACTION page with timely campaigns to help you support or oppose legislation. This tab is quick, easy and highly effective. These campaigns give a brief synopsis of pertinent bills and provide a pre-written letter or phone script to send to your representative. All you need to do is enter your address and your legislator(s) will automatically come up. Press send, and your representative will receive an email from you, their constituent. Click on the phone icon, and you will be given the phone number to call where you can leave a message with a legislative aid voicing your pro-life position. You will not be required to debate. Simply state your name, address and position and it will be noted for the legislator to receive. You can send emails multiple times and are a great way to be a voice for the voiceless, but we have been told that phone calls are the MOST EFFECTIVE way make the biggest impact on a legislator's vote.
2. Submit Your Testimony
Do you have a compelling pro-life testimony to share? If so, we are always looking for people to submit written and/or verbal testimony to support pro-life legislation or help Maryland Right to Life oppose bills that destroy the sanctity of life. Testimony is used during Maryland's General Assembly and both written and oral testimony comes from a variety of people: doctors, nurses, legal experts, medical specialists, and expert witness; like the regular citizen with a compelling and personal experience relating to the bill topic.
Testimony topics include but are not limited to:
If you'd like to submit written testimony for Maryland's General Assembly, you can submit it here. More information on submitting your testimony can be found here.