Internship Opportunities

 Building a Culture of Life in Maryland - Life Leaders.

  • Internships at Maryland Right to Life (MDRTL) provide college students the opportunity to gain first-hand experience in the pro-life movement on the state level, with an emphasis on the movement in Maryland.

    MDRTL is the official state affiliate of National most effective grassroots pro-life organization. We work within the framework and principles of National Right to Life to build a culture of life in Maryland in the areas of education, state legislation, and political action.

    We tailor our internship program to meet the academic and educational goals of each student. Areas of concentration may include Journalism, English, Communications, Marketing, Business, Political Science, Public Policy, Philosophy, Ethics, Life Sciences, and others.

    Internships run from 8-10 weeks in either the fall or spring semesters or during the summer months. Each season has its own unique learning opportunities.

    Summer: Interns have the opportunity to attend the National Right to Life Convention with the office staff where they will attend seminars with international pro-life leaders and have the opportunity to network with them. Additionally, summer interns are instrumental in our biggest educational outreach of the year, our state and county fairs.

    Fall: Interns help to plan and organize. In election years, fall interns also have the opportunity to help organize our Political Action efforts.

    Winter/Spring: Interns have an opportunity to be directly involved in the legislative process on legislative initiatives.

    Rest assured, if you are limited to interning during one particular semester because of academic requirements we will make every effort to tailor your experience with us to meet your areas of academic interest.

    To inquire about a possible internship or earning student service hours for volunteering, please send us an email with your information.


By authority of Maryland Right to Life, Sallie Taylor, Treasurer

P.O. Box 2994 Annapolis, MD 21404

(410) 269-6397